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What is diverticular disease

Diverticular disease is a common condition in adults and involves small pouches (diverticular) forming in the intestine. Diverticulosis occurs when small defects in the muscle of the wall of the large intestine or colon allow small pockets or pouches (diverticular) to form. Diverticulitis is infection or inflammation of these abnormal pouches. Together, these conditions are called diverticular disease. These pouches may go unnoticed, unless they become infected and inflamed, causing abdominal pain, bloating and changes to bowel function including constipation and diarrhoea. This is known as diverticulitis and may require medical therapy and dietary changes.

Despite having some symptoms in common, diverticular disease isn’t associated with more serious conditions, such as bowel cancer. However, diverticulitis is often a medical emergency, requiring immediate medical attention and, frequently, admission to hospital. Mild attacks can be treated at home, but should always be assessed promptly.

Dietary management of diverticular disease

Dietary choices are associated with preventing both diverticular pouch formation, and the onset of diverticulitis. Our gastro dietitians can work with you to encourage dietary swaps to prevent this, while not restricting your diet more than needed. These recommendations are likely to promote broader gut health and enhance overall wellbeing.

Read these recent publications for more information about our recent research into diverticular disease.

How a dietitian can help

Our consulting work with clients complements Dr Kerith Duncanson’s and Dr Georgina Williams’ research in gastrointestinal nutrition and functional gut disorders. Our research knowledge allows us to cut through the confusing, conflicting and overwhelming dietary advice you have been bombarded with. We focus whatever energy and time you have on your ‘best bets’ – what is most likely to work well for you, now and into the future.

Even more importantly, we help you to help  yourself – to food! We can help take the stress and worry out of food decisions by serving up science in healthy, ‘bite-sized’ chunks of relevant, practical advice to help you take control of your health.