Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity
Differences between coeliac disease, non coeliac gluten sensitivity and IBS. Gluten is a much-debated scientific topic that causes confusion in the health and wellness sectors and is the subject of misleading information in the food industry. We now know that there is a spectrum of responses to gluten beyond coeliac disease. But it is challenging […]
Which diet is harder – Gluten free or low FODMAP?
Gluten free or low FODMAP – which is harder to follow? We had a lovely couple stay with us recently, one of whom has coeliac disease and one who suffers with irritable bowel syndrome. I bought gluten free stock but it contained onion and garlic (high FODMAP). I bought rice noodles but on closer inspection they […]
Are our guts becoming too sterile?
Early exposure to germs According to the ‘hygiene hypothesis’ early life exposure to germs determines adulthood sensitivity to allergies such as hay fever and asthma and autoimmune diseases such as coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease. The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ has been proposed as an explanation for increase of allergic and autoimmune diseases in urban settings. […]