Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity
Differences between coeliac disease, non coeliac gluten sensitivity and IBS. Gluten is a much-debated scientific topic that causes confusion in the health and wellness sectors and is the subject of misleading information in the food industry. We now know that there is a spectrum of responses to gluten beyond coeliac disease. But it is challenging […]
Have you ever heard of Functional Dyspepsia?
Have you been told you have IBS but your symptoms are higher up than your bowel? Maybe it’s not IBS at all. Have you ever heard of functional dyspepsia? Perhaps you may not have heard it by this name. Functional dyspepsia is often referred to as ‘indigestion’. It’s that persistent, uncomfortable middle or upper abdominal […]
Does Gluten Free mean low FODMAP?
Unsuspecting IBS sufferers need to be aware that many gluten-free foods are full of FODMAPs Some gluten-free grains are low in FODMAPs, but people need to be aware that many gluten-free foods are full of FODMAPs. A dietitian can help you to navigate the maze of gluten-free vs low FODMAP options. Out of interest, I have […]
Why can’t I eat wheat?
How often have you heard people say that they are intolerant to wheat? You may have even wondered this yourself. Wheat may appear to be a very simple food however it actually contains a complex combination of nutrients and micronutrients. For most people, if they are intolerant to wheat it can either be attributed to […]
Which diet is harder – Gluten free or low FODMAP?
Gluten free or low FODMAP – which is harder to follow? We had a lovely couple stay with us recently, one of whom has coeliac disease and one who suffers with irritable bowel syndrome. I bought gluten free stock but it contained onion and garlic (high FODMAP). I bought rice noodles but on closer inspection they […]