Are my IBS symptoms related to Blastocystis?


In recent months, I have had several clients who have informed me that they have been diagnosed with the parasite blastocystis in their gut. Many people who carry blastocystis have no signs or symptoms, but it is also common amongst people who have diarrhoea or other irritable bowel type symptoms. Blastocystis often appears with other […]


high FODMAP to low FODMAP

The FODMAP content of some high FODMAP foods or ingredients can be changed so that they can be tolerated by people with IBS. Processes such as bacterial fermentation (before the food reaches your own gut!), using lower FODMAP varieties of ingredients, and adding enzymes might all make it easier for your sensitive gut to cope […]

Can diet cause IBS?

can diet cause IBS

Some dietary factors can make IBS more likely and some can make the symptoms worse While this does not mean that diet is a cause of IBS, it is worth summarising the dietary factors that impact on IBS because its’ not all about FODMAPs and not about gluten at all! Some of the clients who […]

Fibre choices for IBS

fibre IBS

A recently published review on dietary fibre and FODMAP-restricted diet in the management of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome has reminded me of how far dietary management of IBS has come in the past ten years.    Traditionally, people with constipation related IBS (IBS-C) were advised to increase dietary fibre intake to alleviate symptoms, but […]

Probiotics – What’s best for IBS?

Probiotics IBS

What are probiotics? Probiotics are tiny living organisms that have been scientifically proven to benefit your health. They are usually bacteria, but may be yeasts or other microscopic critters. They can be similar to the “good” bacteria already in your body, particularly those in your gut. The most common probiotic bacteria are from the Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium […]